Interview Giles Matthey

An Interview with Giles Matthey – Invitation To A Murder

We got the chance to have a conversation with Giles Matthey about his upcoming movie “Invitation To A Murder”, which is in post-production at the moment. Release date to be announced. He told us what the movie will be about and what we can expect from his character Phillip Armstrong. Are you ready for this interview with Giles Matthey? Let’s go!

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about “Invitation To A Murder”? What’s the storyline and what’s your character like?

Giles: Invitation To A Murder is like a classical murder mystery. So it’s very similar to, I mean, you know, we’ll see what the final product turns out like, but it’s possible in the sense that it’s “Murder on the Orient Express”. It’s kind of a 1940s traditional period piece, and my character is a doctor, an English doctor, and he is responsible for, you know, Invitation To A Murder implies a murder, so I’m trying to help find out who did the murder.

Other than that, I can’t give too much away, but we are just strangers getting invited to a mansion, and we will have to figure out who we are, how we’re connected, and if we are connected. It’s crazy because it’s such an English movie, but I was the only English actor apart from Mischa Barton, who’s half English, and it was filmed in Chicago, in a guy’s mansion. So yeah, that’s roughly it.

Q: Do you have a special routine/ ritual you do when it comes to getting into character for a specific role? Was it the same for your character Phillip Armstrong?

Giles: Yeah, so it depends on the character. I think that’s the funniest thing about acting. Sometimes you don’t need to create too much, I think, because it’s so close to home. Sometimes it’s so easy. You get this person. It’s just second nature, but it depends on the character. For example, like Boulevard, I put a lot of character study into that performance. And I considered everything from snakes and King Cobras, and just music he would listen to, and things like that. Whereas Phillip Armstrong, I think I know this person well, so I didn’t find him too hard to play. But I’ll let you be the judge. If you’re bored and hate it, then you can be like I should have brought more, should have brought more.

Q: What do you love and what do you dislike about your character?

Giles: What I love about it is, you know what, that might be what I dislike about it. He’s a good guy. I prefer playing the bad guys. But moving on to what I enjoyed about that, I would say, there are a few funny lines in it. There are a few on his behalf, so that I enjoyed a lot. It was fun to play around. The director is cool, and he gave us a license to bring our own stuff with it. If something didn’t make sense, just change it. Make it your own. So that I enjoyed about it.

Q: Is there anything you have in common with your character?

Giles: I liked learning about medicine, and he’s a doctor. So, I’m a real nerd when it comes to book choices. I read really morbid crap. On holiday, I read about fungus, and before that I read about cancer, a massive 600 page book about cancer. I like medicine. So that’s kind of similar.

Q: Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue?

Giles: My favorite line of dialogue is a funny one. We’re all saying “what?” like an announcement being made, and we’re all meant to be shocked and someone says “what?”. There are well written bits of humor. And then I think my guy says: “I think we all heard you the first time, but just to be clear, what?” Quite funny in the context of things, because everyone’s doing: “What I can’t believe it. Hang on. What? Wait a minute. What?” And I’m like: “I think we all heard you the first time, but just to reiterate, what? So that’s quite funny.

If you want to watch the interview on Youtube you can click on the link right here.

Thank you again to Giles for talking to us. We will keep you up to date about the release date and where you can watch it. Review will follow. Please tell us your opinion about this interview with Giles Matthey on our Social Media accounts.

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Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.

Rike Wittkämper
Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.
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