Manifest Season 4 Part 2

Manifest Season 4 Episode 8 “Full Upright and Locked Position” Review

Manifest is a supernatural drama television series created by Jeff Rake. The final season (Season 4) aired on Netflix on November 4, 2022. Let’s discuss Episode 8 of Manifest called “Full Upright and Locked Position”. Joining me (Rike) are Mandy, Anna Maria and Evi. Are you ready for this one? Let’s go then, but don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt before starting to read this.

Q: TJ (Garrett Wareing) is back in the game. Do you think he’s the one finding the missing piece of the puzzle?

R: I didn’t realize I missed him that much until I saw him getting out of the cab. Olive (Luna Blaise) and TJ are the best duo, and their reactions when they first saw each other again. It’s like things never changed between them. Seems their connection is even stronger now. Can’t wait to see what they both have in store for us. TJ already proved a lot of times that he can be pretty useful. He’s a smart, kicking butts person, and I’m glad he’s back now.

M: I am so so so happy to see TJ back. I’ve missed him so much. The bond he has with Olive is so precious and heartwarming. I think they’re really smart and on the top of their game. Like they bring out the best in each other. Not only with solving the callings and the entire mystery, but also in life. I think TJ can really help OIive with the loss of her mom, since he lost his mom too. He’ll understand what she’s going through, and I think it’s beautiful to have someone who understands and supports you.

A: It was really good to see him again! I’m excited to hear what he’s discovered during his time in Egypt, and I hope he will stay in NY for the rest of the season. I won’t be surprised if he will find the missing piece of the puzzle, and I’m sure he will definitely contribute to the hunt for the Omega Sapphire.

E: I absolutely love TJ. I missed him so much in previous episodes. Him and Olive are such a powerful team. They need each other. The connection between them is magical to watch. They complement each other so nicely. They both lost their moms. TJ knows what Olive is going through, so I love the fact that they can be there for each other in the most vulnerable way.

Q: Your thoughts on Jared’s (J.R. Ramirez) new job? Is it well deserved?

R: If anyone deserves this, then it’s Jared. Watch him getting promoted again after some time. I wouldn’t be surprised. Sure, he has the Stone family and their callings as a help from time to time, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a smart detective. He’s back where he belongs, and I couldn’t be happier for him. Maybe Jared will be a captain soon? What do you say?

M: Jared definitely deserves more than to be a regular cop working on the streets. It’s sad to see he got demoted for wanting to help and protect a passenger. I hope he’ll get promoted to a higher rank even some day, after all the help he’s given to the Stones and other passengers. I am not gonna lie, I would love to see Jared working with Vance (Daryl Edwards). That’s something I would enjoy and find interesting. He’s not just a regular cop. He throws everything he has into helping the passengers, and I think he would be a great fit for Vance’s team.

A: Yes! No one is working harder than Jared, and he definitely deserves to be promoted. He is an honest, hard-working cop, and wants to do whatever he can to protect and help the 828’ers. It’s been nice to see him investigate with Mick (Melissa Roxburgh) for the past couple of episodes, and it has also given results. Of course, it’s helpful with callings from the Stone family, but he deserves many credits himself.

E: Yes!! Jared works very hard, and he deserved this. All I could think of is his father probably being very proud again. Jared doesn’t give up, he loves his job. Some would just quit their job when they got demoted, he didn’t. He still wanted to help passengers and others.

Q: Do you think Cal (Ty Doran) will survive this season?

R: To be honest, I’m scared about all of them. This is the last season. Anything’s possible, and no one is safe at all. But Cal having to fight cancer is a huge one. Can’t they just all survive and make it past their death dates? I know I’m being delusional here, but my heart can’t take this. Fingers crossed for everyone.

M: I sure hope so. I would find it really strange if they aged Cal 5,5 years, only to kill him off shortly after it. I think there’s a bigger picture.

A: I really hope so. I would be so sad if he ended up dying. He has grown so much, and we’ve been able to see so many sides of him. Fighting cancer will definitely be tough, but I hope he can do it.

E: He’s still a main character, so I have my doubts. We never know in this story. I’m sure there will be a twist, maybe a calling that saves him.

Have you seen the eight Manifest episode “Full Upright and Locked Position” yet? If yes, what are your thoughts? Don’t forget to check this place when we will be back with more Manifest articles. In the meantime, you can read our review for the seventh episode called “Romeo” here.

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Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.

Rike Wittkämper
Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.
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