Manifest is a supernatural drama television series created by Jeff Rake. The final season (Season 4) aired on Netflix on November 4, 2022. Let’s discuss Episode 5 of Manifest called “Squawk”. Joining me (Rike) are Mandy, Anna Maria and Evi. Are you ready for this one? Let’s go then, but don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt before starting to read this.
Q: Cal (Ty Doran) coughing up blood. Is this the beginning of the end?
R: Coughing up blood is never a good sign, and I think it’s even worse with him being the dragon. I guess these things are connected. I hope they’re not running out of time and can fix it. Obviously, Cal has to tell them about what’s happening for the Stone family to help him. He’s not allowed to get hurt or suffer. Maybe this stuff can be fixed with another calling. Otherwise, I’m sure if he teams up with Olive (Luna Blaise) again, they’ll find out what’s going on. Dream Team.
M: I am so scared for Cal. He’s been through so much, and now he is coughing up blood, making me think he’s dying from his cancer again. We know that when the death date is coming close slowly, could he be dying of his cancer again? It’s heartbreaking to think about.
A: It’s really worrying for sure. It would be so bad if he doesn’t make it, when they finally rescued Eden. Damn, I would hate it if he died. I really hope they do let Cal die. The Stone family has already suffered enough. I really like him as a character. Hopefully he will tell the rest of the family, and then they can somehow solve it together.
E: This made me so sad. Poor Cal finally had some time to breathe, and now that. I hope it ends well, but I have my doubts. It’s the beginning of a new bigger storyline, I guess. Cal is a very important person in this whole story, especially with him being the dragon. Maybe his scar has something to do with it, and maybe his body is just reacting to it.
Q: Angelina (Holly Taylor) seems to be the angel of death. Was blowing up the house a bit too much?
R: Death seems to follow her wherever she goes. I mean, kidnapping a baby is one thing, but blowing up a house and trying to take down everyone around her. That’s a whole new level. She’s definitely out of her mind. Not that she already wasn’t before, but this time it’s different. I’m glad Eden is back with her real family now. The reunion I’ve been waiting for.
M: She’s nuts. What can I say? I think it’s miraculous she stays alive whatever happens. She’s definitely going to too far lengths to get Eden back, and that’s worrying and scaring me. What will she do next?
A: Honestly, nothing surprises me about Angelina anymore. She’s just going all the way in her belief. Going as far as blowing up the house shows she’s willing to do anything. And since she didn’t die, I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of her yet. The question is if she will now team up with Adrian (Jared Grimes), and try to get Eden back, or what will happen.
E: This may sound a bit cruel, but I loved it. I already suspected the house would blow up because of the trailer. The explosion was visible there, and I made the connection via the windows inside and outside haha. The house was way too perfect too, something had to happen. We’re still watching Manifest and passengers getting closer and closer to the death date. So that makes everything much more urgent. I think this was a huge sign for the passengers that they need to follow every calling. Adrian repeatedly told the passengers that you could ignore them. I also thought about the club fire in season 2. To me, it looked like it. Both callings were with ash and Adrian was involved again. We can all agree that Angelina is terrifying by now, she will do whatever it takes to have Eden.
Q: Your thoughts on Zeke (Matt Long) using the gun and him being intoxicated.
R: This scene was scary. Seeing him in such a dark place and like a whole different person. This isn’t the Zeke who’s helping people and trying to take their pain. It’s like the evil side of him, and I truly don’t wanna see it again. His whole facial expression said it all. Maybe him feeling sick/bad had something to do with it. Maybe the patient kind of changed him? I mean, the appointment definitely was different, and you could see it. I’m praying he’ll be fine. We need the good side of Zeke.
M: That was very shocking, but he honestly acted out of fear of losing Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and tried to protect her. We saw everyone rely on Zeke for support whenever something bad happens, but he’s got no one he can rely on. Addiction is a disease you’ll have to live with the rest of your life, and it can come back at times. I don’t think it’s crazy at all he relapsed. I just hope he finds the help and support he needs. He’s always there for everyone and gives them so much love and support. It’s time he gets that love and support back. I hope he’ll be okay.
A: That was quite shocking to see Zeke in that state of mind. He’s clearly affected after getting that cold, and it’s scary to see. Doesn’t seem like any regular cold, that’s for sure. It seems like maybe the cold amplifies his feelings. In this situation, his anger. But it definitely makes sense that Zeke would protect Mick like that. Although it might not be a good sign that he got out of control like that. The question now is if situations like this will continue to happen, and if someone else will end up getting hurt.
E: Zeke saw Michaela would get hurt. He protected her, and the anger took over. He channeled the anger of Erika (Nurit Monacelli), I guess, and combined with all those other feelings he went through in the past. That’s a valid explanation. When people feel like they are in a bad place again, they try to find ways to help them. For Zeke, that was alcohol for so long. I don’t blame him at all. An addiction isn’t something you can get rid of easily. Him relapsing shows that he is just human. It is possible, and I hope he can get through it again with the help of the Stones. I don’t like seeing him like that though, I’m loving Zeke in this season.
Have you seen the fifth Manifest episode “Squawk” yet? If yes, what are your thoughts? Don’t forget to check this place when we will be back with more Manifest articles. In the meantime, you can read our review for the fourth episode called “Go Around” here.
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Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.