Manifest is a supernatural drama television series created by Jeff Rake. The final season (Season 4) aired on Netflix on November 4, 2022. Let’s discuss Episode 7 of Manifest called “Romeo”. Joining me (Rike) are Mandy, Anna Maria and Evi. Are you ready for this one? Let’s go then, but don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt before starting to read this.
Q: Do you think Zeke’s (Matt Long) and Mick’s (Melissa Roxburgh) lack of communication will cause any trouble talking about their relationship?
R: There shouldn’t be any secrets in a relationship, but I’m sure they can make this work. Zeke having a relapse is a huge thing, especially for him. He thinks that he failed again and truly needs his loved ones for support. Hopefully, he won’t keep pretending everything’s fine. Cal (Ty Doran) could see it, and I hope he’ll open up about it soon. He already did the first step now.
M: Keeping secrets in a relationship is not easy and can cause problems. But I don’t necessarily think it’ll cause issues in their relationship. It’s a lot Zeke is going through right now, and sometimes you need some time alone to process everything before you can tell your spouse about what happened. I fully trust he will tell Michaela what happened eventually, and I don’t think she’ll hold it against him. They’ve always been honest and open about their feelings.
A: I don’t think Mick would like Zeke to keep his relapse secret, and I definitely think it will be worse the longer he waits. I understand it’s tough for Zeke to tell Mick the truth, though. I’m sure he is disappointed in himself, and knows that Mick will be disappointed. I think they can get over this, but I am not sure.
E: Keeping ‘secrets’ is always something difficult in a relationship. I understand Zeke’s intentions though. But he should know that he can trust Michaela. That’s always one of the basics in a relationship. Michaela knows Zeke well, so she will figure it out eventually. It’s all about Michaela’s perspective, I think. And knowing Michaela, she will understand him.
Q: It seems like Cal’s cancer is back and he’s not getting a break at all. Do you think he’ll break soon, because there’s only so much one person can handle?
R: This poor boy clearly deserves a break. First he received the news that his cancer is back again, and now they want to arrest him for murder? I think he could use some professional help. I’m not just talking about his family and Zeke, but more about someone who’s not involved in everything. The only problem would be him having to pretend to be someone else and lie about some stuff. It’s a never ending story with no perfect solution as it seems.
M: Cal’s storyline is one of the most heartbreaking storylines in the show. It’s a lot he’s going through. His mom dying, his sister having been kidnapped for 2 years, his dad and sister having blamed him for that, now his cancer is coming back and he lost the girl he was crushing on. It’s too much for one person to handle. I think yes. I don’t necessarily think he will break in the remaining episodes of 4A, but he might break in the last 10 episodes of 4B. So sad Violet (Sarah Marie Rodriguez) died. They were so cute together.
A: I think he will have some sort of breakdown sadly. It was really nice to see him in love with Violet, they were really cute together. So not only losing her, but also being suspected of killing her must be horrible. I can’t even imagine how he must feel. I hope the family can help clear his name soon, so he can focus on both his mental and physical health.
E: He’ll definitely break at some point. What Cal is going through is a lot. I’m sure he’ll get through it, though. If he allows his family to help. His cancer being back is concerning, I’m kinda curious about the ‘why’ aspect. They didn’t seem to cover that. It could give a hint towards the death date, I think. He aged, but he also went back in time? He had cancer when he stepped on that plane, so maybe there was a reset for him. I’m really curious about this. The fact that they gave him a little love story, I loved that. I loved Violet and they seemed very cute! I would’ve loved to see their relationship develop.
Q: Do you think the callings are bringing Ben (Josh Dallas) and Eden back together? Do you think Eden accepts her father more with solving each one of them?
R: This moment where Eden took Ben’s hand made me so happy. Ben deserves this. Step by step. They’re getting there, and maybe these callings Eden has are truly helping connect to her father. Maybe deep down it makes her realize that he’s not a bad man after all.
M: I think so, yes. I think the callings will help her feel more connected to him and develop a father-daughter relationship with him. I think she’ll see that her dad will do anything to help her, and that she’ll realize he’s not a bad man.
A: I think the callings are definitely helpful, bringing them closer, and strengthening their relationship. I’m sure Eden can see how excited Ben gets of her callings, and also solving them. And I think it helps Eden realize they have a connection.
E: They are, we got enough hints towards that. We know that Eden is experiencing callings, and she can’t follow them herself. I hope she feels that Ben is helping her in a good way. Ben helped Cal in the past with his callings, now he’s doing the same for Eden. The father-daughter bonding is very sweet and adorable to watch. Ben would give everything for his little girl.
Have you seen the seventh Manifest episode “Romeo” yet? If yes, what are your thoughts? Don’t forget to check this place when we will be back with more Manifest articles. In the meantime, you can read our review for the sixth episode called “Relative Bearing” here.
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Rike is a very optimistic person who's trying to make the best out of everything. She's passionate about traveling, concerts, football and conventions. Most of the time she’s carrying her camera around to capture some moments. Her favorite football club is Borussia Dortmund and if she’s not watching the games on tv she's probably being in the stadium supporting the team.
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